
Yoga Classes

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Hot For Yoga is a yoga studio in Santa Clarita that offers a variety of yoga classes. Our studio is primarily a breath and movement yoga studio that can add more to your existing yoga practice or create strong foundations for beginners. We believe breathing and moving together is one of the best ways to get the most out of your yoga practice. We offer a variety of types of yoga classes:

Moving With Intention

Every single one of our yoga classes begins with a specific intention that will help you work on yourself. Sometimes this means focusing on body awareness, other times, it’s about learning how to reframe your thoughts, and sometimes it’s merely about pausing to be in the moment. Yoga offers many benefits, including physical benefits like improving strength, balance, and flexibility, mental benefits like increased relaxation and decreased stress, and spiritual benefits like increased energy and improved mood.

We offer all of our yoga classes in the yoga studio as well as online in order to provide these benefits to our entire community, no matter where they are in the world. Our community is an essential part of our yoga studio as we love connecting with one another before and after each class. We aim to help each and every member of our community grow into the person they genuinely desire to be. 

Come As You Are

We also pride ourselves on our humanism. We don’t expect perfection from any of our students because we are all on this journey together. Nobody comes to yoga because they’re already perfectly zenned out. We are here because we know how wonderful it is to work towards that inner calm. 

Think Hot For Yoga sounds right for you? Please keep reading to learn more about our class types.


Sweat, stretch, tone, and build incredible mental strength with this therapeutic and traditional 90-minute hot yoga class.
Our daily lives can lead to unnecessary body stress and disconnection. This class counters the negative influences we regularly encounter. You will leave feeling free, grounded, with a deep level of satiation.
This scientifically designed set sequence class is great for beginners and experienced yogis alike. You can easily moderate the intensity level to suit your needs.
And the precision of the instruction always offers new learning experiences and opportunities for meditation.

Inferno Hot Pilates is an upbeat, energetic 60-minute mat class with music that sculpts and tones your entire body, strengthens your core and improves your cardiovascular system!
It’s a training system which combines Pilates principles with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and is performed in a room heated to 95 degrees Fahrenheit and 40% humidity. It is an intense, full body workout, designed to strengthen muscles, increase flexibility and improve overall health.

This class is a mindful approach to exploring the movement with breath. Ideal for beginners and long-time practitioners alike to really focus on alignment. Focusing on endurance, flexibility, and strength. Creative sequencing to inspire physical, energetic, mental, and inner freedom.
All levels.

Room not heated. A deep stretch and relaxation flow. Focusing on elongating muscles and improving flexibility. We will hold poses up to a minute or more with a focus on surrendering and relaxing into our bodies. Penetrates deep into connective tissue and fascia, expanding flexibility while invigorating the energy centers of the body to release blockages and increase your energy flow. Focusing on static movement, breath work and meditation to create a profoundly deep and rewarding practice. In Yin Yoga, you are encouraged to NOT use your muscles, and passive poses are held for several minutes.

Feel free to bring props to this class: blankets, blocks, bolsters, etc to get you more comfortable and relaxed in poses!

Benefits include:

  • Calming and balancing to the mind and body
  • Regulates energy in the body
  • Increases mobility in the body, especially the joints and hips
  • Lowering of stress levels
  • Greater stamina
  • Better lubrication and protection of joints
  • More flexibility in joints & connective tissue

Sweat, stretch, tone, and build incredible mental strength with this therapeutic 60-minute hot yoga class.

Derived from and inspired by the Bikram Yoga sequence, this class offers all the same postures and breathing exercises, most performed one time.

Our daily lives can lead to unnecessary body stress and disconnection. This class counters the negative influences we regularly encounter. You will leave feeling free, grounded, with a deep level of satiation.

This scientifically designed set sequence class is great for beginners and experienced yogis alike. You can easily moderate the intensity level to suit your needs.

And the precision of the instruction always offers new learning experiences and opportunities for meditation.

90 min Bikram Yoga class either led silently (minimal cues) or with pre-recorded audio instruction with a teacher or seasoned student practicing/leading class. This class is for those who are familiar with the sequence and have done at least five regular Bikram 90 classes within the last two months.

Sweat, stretch, tone, and build incredible mental strength with this therapeutic and traditional 90-minute hot yoga class.
Our daily lives can lead to unnecessary body stress and disconnection. This class counters the negative influences we regularly encounter. You will leave feeling free, grounded, with a deep level of satiation.
This scientifically designed set sequence class is great for beginners and experienced yogis alike. You can easily moderate the intensity level to suit your needs.
And the precision of the instruction always offers new learning experiences and opportunities for meditation.

This virtual course covers several classical meditation techniques. Each will class will focus on one technique at a time and offer simplified explanations on the philosophy and history. Light stretching involved, so wear clothes you’re comfortable in and your yoga mat.


“Every living thing must breathe in order to live.” -Frederick M. Rossiter, B.S., M.D., L.C.R.P., London.

“Hardly anyone understands this science (of breathing), which all should know and practice. It is the air that renews our blood and brings life to all our organs. It is the air that helps to give us balance and to keep our physical and psychic functions in good order… Most people use only a third, a quarter or even a fifth part of the lung’s total surface.” – Professor Edmond Szekely.

All that is living is powered through breathing. In fact, all of our experiences are a manifestation of our breathing patterns. The shallower and faster our breath, the faster and shallower our thoughts, then our actions, and then our life. Ever felt out of control concerning your own words, actions, and thoughts? Mastering the breath IS regaining control. Especially when one practices in a way which SLOWS and DEEPENS the breath, activating the calm, relaxing parasympathetic nervous system. Learning about breathwork and then applying these techniques during your yoga practice can deepen your intimacy with the movements of the body. It can deepen your expansion in all aspects, as it strengthens your ability to breathe deeply into, and thus accept fully, the uncomfortable. Yoga practice deepens with awareness of the breath, and the awareness of the breath (spirit) deepens with the practice of yoga. The movement of yoga combined with breath brings the breath to otherwise dormant, more stagnant places of the body, mind, and spirit. Master your breath, master yourself, master your path, master the world. You want to see peace in the world? Look no further than creating balance and homeostasis within, to create the reflections without. We truly only can start with ourselves, and be the pattern that does without doing, that changes the world not by trying, but by being, by breathing. One love, one breath, one uni-verse.


e84 hot yoga class is for students interested in deepening their yoga practice. This class is for those who are familiar with the Bikram sequence and have done at least six regular Bikram Yoga classes within the last two months.

Ghosh lineage yoga is comprised of 84 postures, 26 are practiced in the Bikram Yoga class. In e84 class, we integrate additional postures from The 84. e84 class takes the strong mental focus and physical determination learned in the Bikram 90 class and uses this as the foundation for moving toward a more advanced practice.

This class is geared toward regular Bikram practitioners who want to advance and deepen their practice. Variations on postures will be given to make the class accessible & challenging for everyone.

Ghosh lineage yoga is comprised of 84 postures, 26 are practiced in the Bikram Yoga class. 84 is a sacred number that represents physical self-mastery and high yogic consciousness.
This practice typically takes 2 hours and is a fixed sequence that gives students the opportunity to practice skills like lotus, handstands, leg-over-the-head movements, and deep backbends.
This class is for those who are familiar with the Bikram sequence, have a regular practice, have good practice habits. and have done at least 10 regular Bikram Yoga classes within the last two months.

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