
30 or 60 Day Challenge

The Benefits of a Yoga Challenge

Bikram Choudhury tells his students: “Give me 30 days, I’ll change your body. Give me 60 days, I’ll change your life.” While it seems impossible given the number of unsuccessful weight loss plans and other fad exercise regimens out there, we have been fortunate enough to see several students experience the truth of this statement first-hand.

30- and 60-Day Challenges are designed to help students delve deeper into their practices, refine their postures, and gain a better understanding of their bodies and capabilities.

What is a 30-Day Challenge?

The goal of a 30- or 60-Day Challenge is to come to yoga everyday for 30 (or 60) days, and over time see the positive physical and mental changes realized by a consistent practice. The challenge is a commitment of time, is more importantly a commitment to one’s health, wellness and spirit.

Are 30 or 60 days of yoga in a row too much?

Not at all. Bikram Yoga is different from most other forms of exercise. Because yoga doesn’t tear the muscles, your body doesn’t require time to repair itself between classes. It is safe to do every day, even twice a day!

What are some of the benefits of a daily practice?

Our challengers have mentioned that they sleep better, gain flexibility and muscle tone, lose weight, handle stress better, smile more, feel more confident in their appearances, see major improvements in their yoga postures, find other forms of exercise and daily activities easier, and pay better attention to their bodies and physical changes while participating in a Challenge.

How often do these Challenges occur?

Students may take on a 30-Day Challenge at any time. Utilize any of our unlimited class or Auto-Pay memberships to the maximum and come everyday for as long as possible! You will enjoy a better, healthier life the more often you practice yoga.

What if I can’t come every day during a Challenge?

That’s ok! Life can be unpredictable and may get in the way of a daily practice. You can use a Challenge to commit to attending class more often than usual: if you normally attend 3 classes a week, make your Challenge to attend 5 days a week. If you skip a day, take 2 classes the next day to make up for it. There are plenty of ways to customize a Challenge, but the goal is to come to class as much as possible to maximize your health benefits.

Why do it?

Experience for yourself the amazing physical, mental and physiological benefits of a daily practice. Enjoy a wide range of benefits including stress reduction, weight loss and an improved overall sense of well being!

Challenge Guidelines

  • You may start the Challenge any day of the week throughout the year. It does not have to be at the beginning of a month. It just has to be when you are ready to commit!
  • With the 30-Day Challenge you will be able to take two doubles (2 classes in a day) should you miss a day. Therefore, you could miss 2 days but would have to make them up with a double some other day in order to reach the goal of 30 classes. No more than 2 doubles are permitted for the 30-Day Challenge.
  • Triples (3 classes in a day) are not allowed at Hot For Yoga.
  • It is helpful to identify a Challenge “buddy” to help support you throughout the Challenge period.
  • You will need to have a class card to participate. Unlimited passes such as the monthly, yearly or Auto Pay program make the most financial sense.
  • You are welcome to complete the Challenge more than once (however we will only reward an additional set of two free guest passes upon completion).
  • Please ask the studio for a copy of the 30-Day Challenge form to fill out.

Rewards for Completion

  • Drawing for one free month of yoga (drawings done Jan 1 and July 1)
  • 10% off your next full price package or merchandise
  • 1 guest pass to introduce a friend to Hot For Yoga
  • Your name listed on the website

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